Wednesday, April 21, 2010


16 April 2010.   A short drive to Katherine today- only 280 kms!  Stopped at Elsey National Park not far from Mataranka.   Just a few kilometres away is the site of the original Elsey Homestead of  "We of the Never Never"  fame:   along with a small cemetery which includes the grave of the Maluka ("Boss"), Jeannie Gunn's husband. 

Wolfgang in one of the thermal pools in Elsey National Park.  Under the ground here are massive limestone formations (extending as far as the Queensland border).  Wet season rain is absorbed into the porous stone, heated by the underground temperature to 34 degrees and fed by springs into pools like these.

One of the local resident Phyton arrived it emptied the Pool in 5 sec. flat.........

All around us in the palms was the loud and excited chattering of Little Red Flying Foxes.  They come here to breed, rest in the trees by day and fly out at night in huge clouds to eat gum blossoms.  They help the environment by spreading pollen and seeds.  The baby bats latch onto a teat in the mother's wing pit and she enfolds them with her wings.  When they get too heavy to carry, she leaves them in a "nursery" with other young pups.

On the road to Elsey N/P this Kangeruh waited untill we drove passed then crossed the Road.....

but this Parrot made us stop......

Next to the carpark was a replica of Elsey homestead which was made for the film "We of the Never Never".

The original Elsey homestead in 1902 at the time of  Jeannie's book - the house is on the right.....

A photograph of Cheon, the jovial Chinese cook, who came to Elsie Station in "We of  the Never Never" and within a week had the household - and all the happy-go-lucky lubras - under control!

Beautiful native plants.....

1 comment:

  1. Want to bring some of those beautiful native plants home for the garden?
