Tuesday, April 27, 2010


24 April 2010.   Disaster!  Wolfgang found his cereal invaded by ants!!  He tossed it out and the birds quickly descended for a feast.  Here is a Great Bowerbird and a Pied Butcherbird sharing the spoils, until.......

Mr Bossy Boots, the Whistling Kite, flew in to check out the situation...........

His nest was in the top of a nearby boab tree.  They reuse the nest year after year until it becomes quite large.

The seed pods of the boab tree are quite large and pithy.  The outside is covered in a furry down.  The aboriginals dry these pods and inscribe them with designs for the local souvenir trade.

Cheeky Little Corellas were very noisy.  There was lots of wildlife around this lovely site called Big Horse Campsite......

A kangaroo came down for a drink....   I left behind vegetables for them as we go through a quarantine check on the WA border today and must not carry any fruit, vegetables, honey etc.

Waiting our turn to go through the quarantine check.... the young woman officer went through all the cupboards in the van....

Our first glimpse of WA in the Far North..... beautiful country all the way to our destination in Kununurra....

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