Monday, July 26, 2010


21 July 2010 - After nearly two and a half months we left Broome to head back across The Kimberleys and
on to Queensland.  About 20 kms out of town we saw these brolgas near the side of the road......
Early in the afternoon, about 350 kms east of Broome, we arrived at a free camp site called The Lake on private property, Ellendale Station.....    here is our van next to the gate.....

This was the most relaxing place to stay for the next two days..... there were more than 30 vans parked around the lake in among  the trees...... at night there were many fires along the shore reflecting in the water....
Wolfgang relaxing.....
And now revealed.... the real reason for his relaxed look.... a foot bath!!!
Bev relaxing with Sudoku......
Dinner by firelight!
Some of Ellendale's cattle came down to the waters edge to drink.....  Corellas also flocked around the lake....

As well as Masked Lapwings.....
Red Tailed Black Cockatoos........
Friarbirds and many others attracted by the blossom....

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