Tuesday, December 7, 2010


16 November 2010.  Left the Gold Coast and that night free camped 50kms south of Tenterfield.  It was a pretty spot beside a lake but it was raining heavily and we took no photos. The next night we free camped again about 40 kms south of Coonabarabran at a place called Hickey Falls.  These falls (above) are just off the main highway and were a torrent of water after all the wet weather.

 Wildflowers abounded everywhere...........

18 & 19 November, 2010 - Dubbo.   We spent two wonderful days here exploring Dubbo Zoo....

A private family discussion!
Peace at last to enjoy a lovely plum!

Driving through Peak Hill an old gold mining town

An old open cut goldmine at Peak Hill

Free camping with a lot of other vans along the river bank in Forbes
Stopped for afternoon tea beside this lovely old oval in Narrandera

Stopped for afternoon tea that same day at Jerilderie

Free camping at the Murray River near Tocumwal

Next morning we drove home through Shepparton where we stocked up on supplies at the SPC factory.  In early evening we arrived home after travelling 25,200 kilometres!!